I want to make a brief response on here before I forget things. I haven't read all Megan has posted - there's a lot here and I think if I read to the end and then go back I will lose certain threads.
The interconnection of thoughts here is quite mind-boggling to me. I feel a great excitement of possibilities that bubble up out of these postings.
A temporary member of our Tai Chi group (see earlier posting) is Marcy Westerling - a wonderful lady with a quirky spirit and sense of humour. Marcy has terminal cancer and writes a blog I subscribe to called 'Livingly Dying' - so, many of the things that Megan writes about in 'Dying Into Being' seem very in tune (I don't think Megan knew about Marcy's blog).
Megan quoted something I'm fond of saying: "we attach meaning to events, but events happen in the universe and meaning happens in the human heart" - I remember writing this in an appropriately cramped and overheated attic room in Paris some years back - re-reading it here it feels like the first sentence of a paragraph.
I don't know what that paragraph is but I feel it travels along the lines that; beyond the events we are all connected, at a far more fundamental level, call it energies, call it chakra alignment... I believe there is a natural evolution of consciousness in the universe that transcends life-spans or generations, I believe that - and we're into personal belief here, not science - a part of our awareness transcends the corporeal existence and that that energy is present in all life - perhaps even all matter.
When I wrote about the vocal music coming at the end of the cycle that was my instinct - a feeling that - despite the 'emotional weather' the trials and disturbances of life, there is a more profound energies that unites and unifies us - hence my feeling for the end of the work is, in some ways, as though a layer is peeled back - as though we are able to see the energy that underlies these cycles - or to speculate on some sort of 'alignment'.
The alignment I'm thinking of is the inner alignment, of course, as Megan says earlier - there is a revolution that has to happen internally - this is something that unites almost all seemingly disparate beliefs - the belief that nothing really changes until you change the individual.
I happen to believe that this represents an 'evolution of consciousness' that what is required is a brave step beyond the confines of our stone-age brain, which has evolved to thrive and survive within tribal hierarchies. The way in which we do that is specifically through the existence of the ego, or more accurately through identification with the ego, stepping beyond it is not easy, it is a slippery beast and attaches to all manner of things your country, your football team, your good deeds, etc - this is where the great meditators of the world come in - and where an enormous path of speculation broadens out into a freeway....
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