Sunday, 1 December 2013

Standing Like a Tree: Dark and Light Energy

 A little while back, Pete wrote a post entitled, Standing Like a Tree, which spoke of a moment of clarity he had about the emotional seasons of the Microcosmos while in the Chi Gong posture of standing still like a tree (read his post here).  His post helped mark a position in the map of my thoughts, from which I have been trailing out, making inroads to connections.  Though I sense relationships between this post I’m writing and the Microcosmos, what I am writing here is more of a self-indulgent act of utilizing this space to put together ideas I’m interested in—how they relate directly to the Microcosmos or not is yet to be seen.

“Friends you drank some darkness and became visible.” 
  -Poet Tomas Transtromer

Megan Gallant, 2013

All too often we make the mistake of confusing dark energy with evil, and light energy with good.  As if evil lives in the darkness and good in the light.  It is a myth of associations we have been taught a long time.  In believing this, we limit our understanding of the full human experience and our ability to function as a whole. 

Imagine it instead like a tree. Like we are trees, reaching toward the light, our upper half co-mingling with the sky, while our bottom half holds us firm in the dark earth.  Simultaneously and continuously reaching both upward and downward, into the light and the darkness.  The branches cannot exist without the nourishment provided by the roots, and without the branches the vital, charged energy of the roots has no where to go, no purpose.

Self Portrait, Megan Gallant, 2013

When we deny our bodily self from our spirit self we are a tree divided.  We are day without night. 

Light and Dark energy exist as a symbiotic pair; the brightness of higher consciousness in balance with the darker earthliness of having a human body. The balance of spirit and animal. 

Natural Order, Megan Gallant, 2011

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