Tuesday 19 November 2013


  • The Microcosmos exists as a series of patterns and relationships.  These patterns underlie the nature of the Microcosmos like fractals underlie the form of a shell. 
  • Nature—Harmony—Music—Math—Fractals—Nature
  • Landscape of relationships: Cosmos, Ecosystem, Cellular, Emotional, Seasonal
  • A dark space illuminated with great intention, using light as medium to create a feeling of numerous numinous worlds, each with its own identity yet all existing in relation to each other.  Light from within sculptures as well as illuminating sculptures.  Light coming and going in relation to sound patterning. 
  • Miniature sculptural worlds. Worlds within worlds. 
  • While some sculptural worlds may stand alone (think spoon tree), others will come together to form a whole (a mound of gauze cups become a mountain), together emulating an ecosystem or season or emotional sensibility.  An icy world upon broken glass follows threads of string into webs that weave a snowy world of white, fading into brown gauze objects flourishing with green moss and trees which, perhaps, draw out into a desert.  It is both an ecological and an emotional landscape. We are nature, and like nature, we have emotional seasons.  Some days we are cold and withdrawn like winter, others we are fresh and alive like spring, or raging with a summer heat.  Sometimes we experience unpredictable storms, or grace like the rising sun.  We get caught in the dry desert of our mind, and immersed in the forest of our heart.  We are our own inner microcosm of the world without, our inwardness reflected in the outer whole.

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